
Using information obtained from best available evidences in research findings, business consultations, site visits within commercial offices, retail sites, educational surroundings, hotel and restaurants visit, healthcare environments and households, the Risk Assessment platform has been developed by a team of Workplace and Facilities Management experts, to provide an easy to use procedure which simplifies the rigours and complexities involved in risk assessment.

This platform has been prepared to guide users through procedures, regarding what they should be doing by pinpointing the exact position they are at with regards to containing risk and advising on the control that should be put in place. The key aim is to provide a pragmatic simple risk reduction framework that can be implemented. The online Risk Assessment platform guides decision makers through a step by step procedure which would enable you decide which actions to take in terms of controlling, isolating and eliminate potential risk out of the workplace.

The Framework has been designed to provide a comprehensive practical and methodical risk assessment and to advice on containment, corrective and prevention processes, which enables businesses to take action, on space management, system optimization, cost reduction, operational efficiency and business sustainability and to put in place immediate mitigations to try and eliminate or minimise serious consequences.

As businesses bring back staff into work premises, a number of issues need to be considered for the safety of everyone entering the building. This information this report produces follows government guidelines and professional recommendations. It also provides an overview of what businesses need to consider in returning to the workplace, including control recommendations.

The Risk Assessment can be completed by a line manager, supervisor, designated senior manager or health and safety representative. It sets out the key areas that workplace professionals need to consider as they embark on a post-pandemic workplace seismic change. It also offers top tips on everything from enhanced cleaning regimes and procedural system maintenance of the building.  

The templates have been designed based on up to date findings, and the controls suggested are prescriptive. It is aimed at starting a discussion within your organisation in order to guide is aimed at providing transferable suggestions for the office environment, Commercial and Public buildings, such as offices, schools, shopping areas, restaurants and sports premises, where only occasional occupancy by infected people is expected

The UK government has mandated that an appropriate risk assessment be carried out in a manner similar to every health and safety related assessment would be done. This risk assessment must be done in consultation with all stakeholders and as such, coupled with this guidance, health and safety leaders must think about the specific hazards and controls in relation to their workplace and specific business needs.

It is important to acknowledge that this assessment is by no means exhaustive. The risk assessment is continuously evolving, and we are committed to updating this platform as new findings becomes more evident.


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