10 Tips for COVID-19 Prevention at the Workplace

It is necessary for businesses and organisations to have a system in place towards preventing Covid-19, as a means of safeguarding the health and safety of employees and the public. Below are important suggestions to consider in the workplace to that effect, as the U.K comes out from the lockdown.

Leadership: There should be a visible team appointed as champions of Covid-19 prevention in the workplace. They should have a system of report and stay up to date with information regarding the formation of Covid-19 policy and its enhancement in the workplace.

Communication: This should be key. Frequent communication and appropriate signs of directions should be put in place to guide workers.

Working from Home: Policies should be put in place to encourage working from home, However, where working from home is not possible, workplaces should make every effort to comply with virus prevention practices, PPE usage and social distancing guidelines.

Social Distancing: Organisations may have to review their open plan space culture. The density of occupation may have to be reduced.

New Work Processes: As a preventive measure, new work protocols such as virtual meetings, reduced travel, staggered shifts, and provision for essential staff to commute outside peak times are to be considered for implementation.

Duty of Care: Employees should be reminded to wash their hands for 20 seconds, more frequently and to catch coughs and sneezes in tissues. Also, frequent cleaning and disinfecting of objects and surfaces that are touched regularly should be put in place.